Friday, December 31, 2010


My high hopes for Christmas-time blogging were defeated.  Totally by self.  With 2011 less than 11 hours away, here are some things I'm looking forward to beginning tomorrow morning:

  • having quality time in God's Word (book of John) and in prayer
  • being faithful to healthy menu planning
  • being faithful to exercising (p90x)
  • setting some moments aside to have quality time with Reagan and Gideon together and individually each day
  • de-decorating Christmas stuff
  • deep cleaning carpets and washing couch cushions and seat covers
By God's grace, 2011 will be the year we:
  • get pregnant with Wing baby #3
  • buy a mini van without a loan
By God's grace, Jason and I will be celebrating our 5 year anniversary January 28.  Looking forward to 2011 and all God has in store for us and for those He's divinely placed in our lives.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Quick Catch Up

Man...I'm the WORST at keeping up this blogging thing.

Maybe since I love my new background I'll be better at blogging.  :)  Good news is:  21 days till Mike, Maggie, Jonah, Bubba, and Uncle Chris come to OH for the holidays.  More good news:  15 days till we leave for Michigan Christmas celebration with the Wings.  Even more good news:  date night tomorrow night.  I need some quality time with Jason.  Too much hectic stuff happening and it will be good to connect with the man of my dreams.

Ahh, December 1.  Welcome--I've been so waiting for your arrival!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Summer 2010

Reagan and Gideon have grown up so much these past few months.  I'm amazed by how many small phrases Reagan has learned.  She'll say things like, "Mommy, I just can't clean up the playroom right now.  I have to watch my show."  Or, "Gideon, that's so nice of you!  Thank you for sharing--you love me so much."  She's understanding more than sentence structure.  She's learning everyday things, lies, truths, manipulation, how to serve, etc.  I'm watching the battle between good and evil play out in her.  We are born into sin, until God's grace and salvation is revealed, understood, and accepted by us (as ordained by God).  And since Reagan is yet to be saved or even see or understand her need for a Savior, I'm witnessing her need for the Lord each day (the saved need Him each day, too!).  Anyways, seeing her battle with her own sin is quite revealing.  The days of temper tantrums and selfish behavior she had before she could reason or justify her actions are long gone.  It's interesting to see her battle it out--respect/disrespect, obedience/disobedience, kindness/selfishness.  As her mother I want to be there to correct her (in a non-nagging manner) and I do that often.  I also end up nagging her and end up asking her to forgive me.  Anyways--my point is, I'm not always correcting anymore.  She's learning to self-correct and re-direct her thoughts and motives which in turn produces a changed attitude.  While Christ isn't in her yet, she's learning what is right and wrong and how she can please Jesus in the mean time.  And by "in the mean time" I'm referring to the time between right now and the day she is called into Christ's Kingdom through God's grace and Jesus' salvation.  

Sweet Gideon is a charmer.  His dimples and his cute little run make my heart burst with joy.  He's saying so many words these days.  And as much as I love his words, his tone and inflection are what really get me.  Most heard words lately:  bankie (blankie), vimaminmin (vitamin), dee-dee (candy & cookie), dooce (juice), megan (Reagan), e-uh-nuh (all done), mo (more), deese (cheese), apple, a-nana (banana), gate, potty, ah-ee (paci), and many more!  He's a trooper and a stud.  He falls down so many times a day and he rarely whimpers.  He's climbing, jumping, bouncing, and he's all boy.  I love that I have such an all-terrain little boy and a prim and proper and high-maintenance girl.  They are so different but they love each other dearly.  I've enjoyed watching the sister/brother bond grow stronger this Summer.  Their fighting and lack of sharing has been less than acceptable and, oh, do they hear it from me!  But on the flip side, their growth in love for one another has spoken so much to me.  

Looking forward to Fall and all that the Lord has in store for our family.  :)

Friday, July 30, 2010

These Two

 I love these two.  And God has recently convicted me of a few things.  
  1. My time with the Lord has been lacking significantly.
  2. This has affected my outlook on life, parenting, marriage, friendships, the Church, and myself.
  3. Tunnel vision has taken over.  What I mean by that is my selfish tendencies have skyrocketed in frequency and intensity.  Being without quality time in the Word and in prayer has taken its toll on our family.
  4. Thanks to my loving husband, I've been corrected, guided, Biblically encouraged, and gracefully lead back to my first love, Jesus.  
  5. These two darling children are gifts from God and it's my duty to make our house the most comfortable, relaxing, peaceful, loving, soul-soothing place on the earth for them.
  6. I need to be in the Word before Jason or the kiddos wake up.  I also need to pray prayers of gratitude and pray specifically for the kids' character as they grow and pray for Jason as he leads our family.  
  7. Waking up early is tough but once I get in the habit I know it will be the best part of my day.  Just me, the Lord, His Word, and coffee.  
A few blogs have truly inspired me and I know I didn't blog-hop by accident.  God's sovereignty played a huge part.  I encourage you to check these out and take tips, advice, etc. from fellow mothers who don't have it all figured out but who try their hardest.  Why not gain from another's conviction and wisdom?

Check out: 

Wasting my time as a mother is not an option.  Living as though Christ truly dwells in our lives and in our home needs to be evident.  It's not something to fake.  So here's to real life.  Here's to conviction, a loving husband's straightforward correction, and two beautiful children who need to see Christ living in their mommy much more than they've ever seen.

I raise my caffeine-filled mug, head nod, sip, and sigh with the hope of starting fresh, with intention and conviction.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Boston...from forever ago part 2

Pics from my last day in Boston.

Couldn't resist this cutie.  I'm so glad he accompanied me the whole trip.  :)

Boston, MA from the ferry that took us to the U.S.S. Constitution.

The U.S.S. Constitution.  The Navy's oldest, seaworthy vessel.

I know, so attractive.  Maggie and I downed these footlong dogs.  Delicious!

Jonah boy and I standing outside Paul Revere's home.  Right across the street there's an Italian Catholic church and play yard.  We ate canolis for the second day in a row across from Paul's house.  Talk about surreal!

Mike, Jonah, and I as we head to the top of the "Pru" (not pictured).  We decided to take the T rather than walk it.  Glad we did!

The Boston Library.  It was closed but Mike did an awesome job showing off (in humility) his literary expertise.  It's a beautiful site and I can't wait to visit again!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Berenstain Bears

Today is Independence day!  Happy 4th to us.  As I helped Reagan out of bed this morning, I explained that today is a very special day for our country.

Me:  Reagan, did you know today is a very special day?  We get to celebrate!
Reagan:  Yes, today is Easter.  But I'm not celebrating.
Me:  Well, it's not Easter.  It's the 4th of July!  That means we thank God for our country.  Do you know what country we live in?  We live in America!
Reagan:  Yes.  And the Berenstain bears live here, too.  That's why we have to celebrate.

And there you have it.  Happy 4th to all, and the Berenstain bears, of course. 

Friday, July 2, 2010

Boston...from forever ago

May 11-15 I had the pleasure of going to Boston, MA to visit my brother, sister-in-law, and sweet nephew, Jonah. I have to say it's the most wonderful city I've ever visited. All the history, Italian food, and the granite curbs impressed me the most. Since I am an early American history-lover, Boston has become a treasured city and a place I must visit often. Here are some pics from the trip. Mike and Maggie, your hospitality will never be forgotten--I can't thank you enough for all the good times and for sharing your dear son with me. **Maggie Hamilton is an established tour guide so any and all questions can be directed to her.**

The Hamilton Family

Boston, come and get us!

"Make Way for Ducklings" statues were built just for us to take this picture. Sister, brother, and tired nephew.

To be read before entering the cemetery where Revere, Franklin, and Mother Goose (to name a few) have been laid to rest.

In place of a sidewalk slab, this says no buildings or signs may obstruct the view from this place as the Old North Church is clearly seen from here. Two lanterns were hung to tell Paul Revere that the Brits were coming..."One if by land, two if by sea."

And there she is, the Old North Church (in mega zoom) from the above picture.

The site of the Boston Massacre. The very site! A little overwhelming.

An odd picture, but the ivory colored roof is actually the bottom of the balcony the U.S. Constitution was read from for Bostonians to hear for the very first time after it was signed in Philadelphia.

And we got hungry, so little Italy, also called the North End, took great care of us.

Michael and Jonah boy
(not sure why this is in link type)

Maybe he had some gas?

He's so happy with his mama!

My favorite picture. A statue of Paul Revere in front of the Old North Church where two lanterns were hung to warn of the British coming to invade, where resistance met them at Lexington & Concord, MA.

There are still gatherings held here each week, although it's livlihood for Christ is dull.

For all my Arminian friends with terrible theology, here's your boy, Wesley. :)

We sat in Paul Revere's son's Old North Church booth.

There it is! The actual site of the lanterns. I get chills every time I see this.

And maybe we were tired after all the site-seeing. Maggie doubled up.

He's the cutest little Bostonian.

Nothing could have ended our wonderful day like canolis from Mike's Pastries. They overnight ship their goods, maybe an order needs to be in the works...
More pics to come at a later date--this was just day two of four. It was the greatest get a way. Thanks, J and Mom, for making this trip happen.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Before I forget

Forgetting things is ranked rather high on my 'skills' list these days. So before I can't recall these sweet words from Reagan, I had better type them to remember always. On our way home from my parents' house tonight Reagan said:

"Look at dat star! God made dat star. I like to obey God. And I like to obey Jesus. Jesus is good. I like to give hugs for Him. And, and, and He's alive! He is risen! He is risen, indeed! Yeah. And look at dat star, and dat one, and..."

Truth from her mouth is golden.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Spring 2010

Here are some pics of the kiddos. It's so fun to dress them in non-layered, Winter gear all the time. I love how much time is saved by not having to bundle them up in puffy coats that cause car seat anxt. Or wiggling boots on their little feet, or having to find Reagan's scarf that her brother hid in the bathtub. With my keys. (Can you tell I don't like Winter outerwear?) All that to say, here are some cutie kids that are enjoying Spring:

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Up and Running

Do you ever have one of those tasks that you keep avoiding because you know it will only discourage and frustrate you? My task that haunted me for almost 4 months, yes--1/3 of a year, was getting this blog back up and running. And all it took was a little motivation to face my fear and finally do it. Amazingly, it didn't take me 4+ hours to fix, merely 30 minutes. Guess all I really needed to do was read some instructions. Sometimes things can be so easy when you remove yourself from the situation for a time and come back to it. Although stepping back for 4 months is a little extreme. So, I'm glad this is working again. I have so much to share! Reagan and Gideon are my joys and I couldn't be more grateful that the diary of their childhood (via blogging) is back in full swing. Here are some highlights from the past 1/3 of our year:
  • Jason and I celebrated 4 years of marriage January 28 **love you, J.Wing!**
  • Gideon turned 1 February 25
  • Gideon had some health scares and had ear tubes put in March 3
  • (He's now been healthy for 4 weeks in a row, progress is before us!)
  • My nephew, Jonah Michael Hamilton, was born March 18. He's a stud.
  • My old roommate from Cedarville got married and I was reunited with my old "Preddies" March 27
  • I turned 27
  • Jason turned 33
  • Jason completed his extreme P90X workout program and lost 18 lbs.!
  • My nephew, Gibson Jude Wing, turned 5. Also a stud.
  • My sister, Rebecca Hamilton, starred as Lady Capulet in her High School's Spring play
  • Our Hamilton family reunion brought my sis-in-law, Maggie Hamilton, to Dayton with sweet baby Jonah. It was a surprise and it was pulled off wonderfully!
  • We enjoyed spending time with Bubba, Uncle Alan, Lydia, Eric, Elijah, Haven, baby in Lyd's belly, Abigail, Joseph, Bella, Miles (in Ab's belly), Michael, Maggie, Jonah, Mom, Dad, & the star of the weekend, Rebecca

And now that this blog-savvy girl is back on track, you'll be seein' more of us! Soon!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

under construction

Well I've really done it this time. While trying to copy and paste widgets from an old blog template I deleted lots of things by accident. I'm trying to start all over but I think everything I've blogged about for the past few years is gone. Working on it!