I love these two. And God has recently convicted me of a few things.
- My time with the Lord has been lacking significantly.
- This has affected my outlook on life, parenting, marriage, friendships, the Church, and myself.
- Tunnel vision has taken over. What I mean by that is my selfish tendencies have skyrocketed in frequency and intensity. Being without quality time in the Word and in prayer has taken its toll on our family.
- Thanks to my loving husband, I've been corrected, guided, Biblically encouraged, and gracefully lead back to my first love, Jesus.
- These two darling children are gifts from God and it's my duty to make our house the most comfortable, relaxing, peaceful, loving, soul-soothing place on the earth for them.
- I need to be in the Word before Jason or the kiddos wake up. I also need to pray prayers of gratitude and pray specifically for the kids' character as they grow and pray for Jason as he leads our family.
- Waking up early is tough but once I get in the habit I know it will be the best part of my day. Just me, the Lord, His Word, and coffee.
A few blogs have truly inspired me and I know I didn't blog-hop by accident. God's sovereignty played a huge part. I encourage you to check these out and take tips, advice, etc. from fellow mothers who don't have it all figured out but who try their hardest. Why not gain from another's conviction and wisdom?
Check out:
www.inspiredtoaction.com, www.passionatehomemaking.com, and www.confessionsofahomeschooler.blogspot.com.
Wasting my time as a mother is not an option. Living as though Christ truly dwells in our lives and in our home needs to be evident. It's not something to fake. So here's to real life. Here's to conviction, a loving husband's straightforward correction, and two beautiful children who need to see Christ living in their mommy much more than they've ever seen.
I raise my caffeine-filled mug, head nod, sip, and sigh with the hope of starting fresh, with intention and conviction.